stocked Tinctures

  • Ambrosia

  • American Ginseng*

  • Anemone*

  • Angelica

  • Aristolochia

  • Ashwaganda

  • Astragalus

  • Bacopa

  • Black Cohosh*

  • Black Walnut

  • Blue Cohosh*

  • Blue Vervain

  • Boneset

  • Bugleweed

  • Burdock

  • Cacao

  • Calendula

  • California Poppy

  • Catnip

  • Cayenne

  • Chaga

  • Chamomile

  • Chaparro Amargosa

  • Chaparral

  • Chickweed

  • Chilopsis

  • Cinnamon

  • Cleavers

  • Clematis

  • Cloves

  • Coltsfoot

  • Cordyceps

  • Cramp Bark

  • Damiana

  • Dandelion (whole plant)

  • Dandelion Root

  • Dong Quai

  • Echinacea (purpurpea + angustifolia)

  • Elecampagne

  • Eleuthero

  • Fennel

  • Feverfew

  • Gentian

  • Ginger

  • Ginkgo

  • Goldenrod

  • Goldenseal*

  • Gotu Kola

  • Gravel Root

  • Grindelia

  • Guggul

  • Hawthorn (leaf + berry)

  • He Shou Wu (Fo-Ti)

  • Hops

  • Horse Chestnut

  • Horehound

  • Hyssop

  • Jamaican Dogwood

  • Kava Kava*

  • Lady’s Mantle

  • Lemon Balm

  • Licorice

  • Linden

  • Lobelia

  • Maitake

  • Marshmallow root

  • Milk Thistle

  • Motherwort

  • Mullein

  • Myrrh

  • Nettle Leaf

  • Nettle Root

  • Night Blooming Cereus*

  • Milky Oat Seed

  • Ocotillo*

  • Oplopanax*

  • Orange Peel

  • Oregon Grape

  • Osha*

  • Partridge Berry

  • Passionflower

  • Pau D’Arco

  • Peony Root

  • Pleurisy Root

  • Poke Root

  • Prickly Ash

  • Raspberry Leaf

  • Red Clover

  • Red Root

  • Reishi

  • Rhodiola

  • Rose

  • Rosemary

  • Sage

  • Sarsparilla

  • Saw Palmetto

  • Schizandra

  • Shatavari

  • Shepard’s Purse

  • Skullcap

  • Slippery Elm*

  • Spilanthes

  • St. John’s Wort

  • Thyme

  • Thuja

  • Tulsi

  • Turmeric

  • Usnea

  • Umckalaobo

  • Valerian

  • Vitex (Chaste berry)

  • Wild Cherry Bark

  • Wild Ginger

  • Wild Indigo*

  • Wild Yam

  • Willow Bark

  • Wormwood

  • Yarrow

  • Yellow Dock

  • Yellow Pond Lily*

  • Yerba Mansa*

  • Yerba Santa

  • Yucca

  • *Herbs with a star are At-Risk or Endangered, and are therefore subject to a higher price point. There is a purchase limit of 4 ounces on all endangered plant tinctures.