Gotu Kola for Sustainable Get-Up & Go!


We are often asked what herbs people can take as an alternative to coffee. Sometimes this question is asking about herbs that enhance focus or improve mental clarity. Often, this is asking what herbs will function like coffee: what will give us a boost of energy so we can get through the day, so we can keep grinding.

The answer to the first question is endless. And to the second, none. It is not uncommon to get requests for adrenal or brain formulas that are intended to pump out more energy into an already exhausted system. Certainly, we understand that our culture promotes this: “do more with less!” “keep going, no matter what." While drive and persistence can be admirable in the right circumstances, they can be absolutely destructive when out of balance.

This month’s herbal ally, Gotu kola, has a long and rich tradition of supporting a sharp mind and health brain. As a neuro-restorative, it promotes healthy circulation, movement, and balanced flow in the nervous system tissue and whole body. It will help tissues heal and have greater resilience internally & externally. And this month, as our herbal ally, our invention is to learn how to shift from patterns of driving force energy, to supported and sustainable energy via a sense of enhance calm.

From the HErbalists:

“Gotu Kola is one of my favorite nervine and brain herbs. Because it is not specifically a calming nervine, it lends well to tonic formulas for use on a long term, consistent basis to help strengthen the nervous system, and improve memory and function. Gotu Kola is also useful topically for wound healing and scaring, and can also be utilized as an anti inflammatory.” Tasha

“Gotu Kola, also known as pegaga or pennywort, is one of our most potent brain tonics. It is wound healing through collagen stimulation, and enhanced fibronectin which is responsible for tissue regeneration and healing. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, anti-pruritic (relieves itchiness) and has anti-allergenic components as well. What I find most exciting about Gotu Kola is the healing and protective effect it has on the nervous system. It is neurorestorative, anti-convulsant, and it increases memory and learning. It is helpful for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, and diseases associated with low dopamine including ADHD and schizophrenia. Additionally, Gotu Kola presents anti-tumor, anti-oxidant and cardio-protective activities. Why wouldn’t you want this plant medicine!” Izzy


Gotu kola, Centella asiatica, sometimes referred to as Brahmi (not to be confused with Bacopa), is an herb that has been used for thousands of years. Known as tri-doshic in Ayurvedic medicine, it brings balance to all constitutional systems. Found across bio-regions many names for this plant pay homage to the shape of the leaf, which looks a bit like a hemisphere of the brain. Used as tonic to promote longevity, the leaves are a tasty addition to a salad or free-range garden foraging. In Sri Lanka, there is a tradition of eating a few leaves every day for those who desire a long healthy memory. Great as a tea or tincture, topical formulations have been underutilized. Gotu kola can be a wonderful addition to a salve or oil for skin!

“ Oh Gotu Kola, such a cheerful water loving plant when you grow it in the garden. I loved starting my day snacking on a couple fresh leaves, to help my hair grow and increase my energy levels. I've been working on growing my hair out for a while, so I love leaning on herbal allies for help with this. According to Brigitte Mars, in Asia Gotu Kola is considered a longevity tonic; "Two leaves a day will keep old age away." Gotu Kola can help strengthen the body's membranes and connective tissues. Our herb of the month is known as a brain tonic and is believed to help improve concentration and memory. Gotu Kola's vulnerary action helps with wound healing and is known to help stimulate collagen production, in addition to preventing scar formation when applied topically or taken internally.” Lilli

“I'm so happy this month gave me an opportunity to do a deeper dive into the energetics and uses of Gotu Kola! I haven't worked with this spicy, yet cooling herb much before, and now I want to add it to all sorts of formulations! Internally, Gotu Kola can be used to calm and support the nervous system and quiet mental chatter. It can also help with increasing energy and indurance, improving memory, and speeding up sluggish digestion. The stress reduction can help with high blood pressure and ulcers caused by stress. Other conditions it helps with include rheumatism, abscesses, fever, and jaundice.Externally, it can be great for decreasing scar tissue build up after injuries. And with a combination of tea and topical use, Gotu Kola can accelerate healing time for wounds, burns, and ulcers.” -Jessica


Gotu kola is a powerful ally for focusing the mind. The invention this month, this moon, this new year is to be intentional about what you want your mind to focus on. Is it day to day tasks? Is it dreams and goals? Is it the moment you are in?

The energy of the year ahead is abundant! Big, vibrant, beautiful, brilliant abundance. But if you want this abundance you’ll need to be committed to cultivating it, staying present with it, and conspiring with the universe to actualize it. There is nothing passive about making your life look, feel, and breathe the way you desire. It is constant co-creation. Plant Spirit Medicine can be a powerful ally in the process.

We invite you to try a simple daily practice with Gotu kola; one drop, sip, or leaf, at the start or end of your day, along with 60 seconds to be in relationship with your focus, your abundance, or just your own peace and quiet. May it be a blessing to you and to all!

Kristin Schuch