Moon Travel & Mind Mysteries


Mugwort, known by many names including the preferred Cronewort, is an extraordinary herb for freeing the mind. A particularly difficult task in modern society, Artemisia vulgaris or A. absinthium, have a long rich history of being brewed into mind-altering brews of the mug. Imbibed in various forms, smoked, used for saning (an Indigenous European tradition kin to smudging), used in brushings, or simply bundled and hung, this plant medicine opens portals and gives the mind access to more expansive ways of being. However, the name Cronewort cautions that this is medicine of the elders. It is not intended to be over-used or misused, rather to gain the wisdom meaningfully and responsibly over time. We are invited to not have to grow faster than we are ready for, or faster than is useful. We find opportunity with mugwort to dance with the moonlight through all of the stages of our life in a more open, balanced, and measured, but free way.

“Mugwort grows lusciously & abundantly, and is so enticing when met in the garden or in nature. With intricate leaves and stalks that have almost climbed past the roof of my house season after season, she feels both protective and welcoming at the same time. As a child, when my chore was to pull weeds, I used to tell my mom that one day I'd have a garden full of weeds…and among the Malva, Plantain, Lamb’s Quaters and Dandelion the bitter and carminative Mugwort frames other natives, creating a tiny forest. Mugwort can also mellow the nervous system, and for me, sometimes just standing in her presence brings a sense of calm.” -Tasha

“One of the most popular medicinal and magical herbs, almost everyone already knows something about this plant! Her deep green, aromatic leaves burst with volatile oils and powerful chemical compounds that captivate and bewitch us. Whether drinking it in a traditional tavern mead or tea (it is the “mug” wort, after all!), anointing yourself & space with its sweet ceremonial smoke, or using it as a guide and protector as you navigate the liminal & dreamy spaces of consciousness, Artemisia is here to open us more fully to the beauty and magic of life.” -Isabella


Move! Move! Move! Artemisia spp. are all known for their actions of moving and expelling secretions from the body. Whether as an emmenagogue inducing uterine flow, or an anti-parasitic, this genus of plants creates flow like the moon medicine it is so closely associated with. For that reasons it is an excellent ally to help one connect more to the natural rhythms and cycles of our bodies and nature. Mugwort in particular loves to connect directly with the body, physical and energetic. Whether we roll around in her leaves, lay down in the garden with her, or have sprigs under our pillow this ally shows us the power in presence. We need never take the physical medicine into this plant to still experience the profound benefits. In that way it also teaches us about the boundaries and medicine of our energetic being (body), how to connect more fully, and how to heal from inside-out and outside-in.

“Mugwort, as with all Artemisia’s, is a moon plant. The soft silvery sheen on the leaves show this in the physical plant. We can see its correspondence to the moon in the body as well. The moon rules the stomach, mucus membranes and the brain. In the stomach Mugwort helps us process fats with its bitter action making the integration of essential fatty acids easy. Our brain needs these fats, all our cells do. Bitter aromatic remedies like Mugwort are very important for maintaining healthy boundaries between the outside world and ourselves due to their tonifying action. It is in the psycho-spiritual correspondence to the moon where the magic becomes obvious: our brains are a physical structure with neurochemicals, nutrients and brain cells making a feedback loop that has a huge part in operating the functions of the body and our thought processes. This process requires healthy fats, a functioning digestive system and an ability to relax all of which Mugwort can provide. But you will also find it called a Visionary Herbe in magical texts. You will find it provides protection in battle and travel, it is used to consecrate magical tools, it opens psychic awareness and enhances dreams making them more vivid and meaningful. According to the Flower Essence Society mugwort helps us process our visions and dreams by giving us the ability to integrate our dream life with our daily life. So using mugwort in times of psychosis and stress can help us both physically and spiritually to determine reality from illusion and psychic messages from egoic delusion, self from other.  Know thyself ❤️ Mugwort” - Bethany

“Mugwort, ruled by Artemis and said to be protection from all things evil. It is said that one who carries mugwort cannot be harmed by poison wild beats or sunstroke. It contains a constituent called thujone which is a powerful antimicrobial. Making mugwort a wonderful aid as a mouthwash.” -Cody


Probably 9 years ago now, when I was first curating my current garden, I would regularly take mugwort cuttings into my bedroom. I was working with dream medicine, for which she is particularly well known, and would have large vases on the dresser. This also helped keep her trimmed as she would easily grow 8ft. tall! After a few nights of perfectly sound sleep I was wondering if perhaps I need to shift how I was working with her, at which point Brett came to me with a fair bit of frustration and exclaimed, “can you please take the mugwort out of the bedroom! I need sleep” A little confused I agreed and asked why. “Because all she does is talk all night and I’m having the craziest dreams! I haven’t slept in days!” I found this much more amusing than he did. Grateful for the teaching, I gladly took her back outside and left her at the entrance to the garden path. A couple of weeks later I noticed that a new little mugwort plant was growing right underneath the decaying bundle. What resilience and ingenuity! She planted herself right where she was and began to grow how, when, and where she needed. Mugwort is a plant that does not care for the rules, but appreciates a healthy container. She moves beyond boundaries to teach us the importance of having them. Opening to spirit and spirit realms isn’t a game, but rather an occupation and duty for her. She does it with ease and guards against doing so when without the skill, preparation, and intention that is instrumental to the journey. Mugwort will work with anyone in need, but ask yourself first, what are you seeking and why? Are you ready for the answer and what the answer requires of you?

“Mugwort! The ancestral celebrity medicine! Most of us have heard of mugwort, even those of us who are not herbalists. It has been a staple among healers forever, and with good reason! Magically, Mugwort has been used to enhance psychic powers, aid in protection, to facilitate prophetic dreams and astral projection, and used to bless space for ritual divination. Medicinally, Artemisia vulgaris is used as a bitter tonic for digestion, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, abortifacient and emmenagogue. Likely for its abortifacient effects, Mugwort has long been associated with witches and midwives. I personally use Mugwort in moon magic and visionary meditations. It has a very elevating and altering nature for me. I like to burn it as a smudge or add it to incense blends like the one I made for the box! Mugwort is our sacred ally.” -Amy

“Mugwort for me is a bridge to the otherworld. In my spiritual practice, we drink a strong Mugwort infusion, burn her as an incense and apply a Mugwort salve to our third eye and wrists before going on deep journey meditations. I love the way Mugwort essential oil smells and how it can thin the veils for me. Also, Mugwort is a lovely alternative to White Sage and Palo Santo for clearing space, especially for those of us with European ancestry. Mugwort is one of the three most sacred herbs of the Irish Druids. This herb has associations with the moon, due to the silvery underside of her leaf and I swear she grew taller on summer nights in my garden when the moon was out. I would suggest a little caution around Mugwort if you are pregnant. While not an abortifacient, this herbal ally is an emmenagogue, which means it can help start delayed menses. It has also been used to stimulate labor and expell the placenta.” -Lilli

Kristin Schuch