earth Centered integrative healing

Plant • Spirit • Medicine


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Healing Happens
clinic offerings

Our dynamic group of practitioners offer integrated wellness services to make healing happen for you. We don’t treat symptoms, but instead focus on the foundations of your health: mind, body & spirit! It’s all about facilitating the safe space for you to explore, grow, reclaim, and remember your most centered self.

classes & Workshops
Spring & Summer 2025

We have a little something for everyone in our unique workshops. Our goal is to provide you with an experience that inspires your passion for natural healing and plant medicine, enhances your sense of community and encourages your desire to integrate wellness into your life.

ritual & Ceremony

Listen to the yearnings of your soul, of the wild wisdom of your heart, remember the song of the ancestors and the earth mother. We welcome you to be curious in our space, to reconnect to your spirit thru community, remember your seasonal rhythm, flow with the ebb of natural cycles.


Discover Your Wholeness

Nature is your cure, not because it fixes,  but because it teaches.

Everything you need to heal can be found in the  wisdom of nature. 


Clinic & Wellness

Healing the way Nature intended

We welcome you to our sacred healing space. Many of you have wondered what happens behind the store wall; we like to think it is a little bit of real world healing magic. No hocus pocus, just heart-centered presence. We are here to listen to your needs and support you on your journey. Whatever your health goals may be, we are with you all the way.


Follow us on Instagram @ApothecaryTinctura